Very limited scope of review in case of non-compliance with the form requirements and the applicable time limits
4A_324/2021, judgment of 3 August 2021
In this recent football-related procedure the Appellant—represented by legal counsel—had sent its statement of appeal to the CAS by e-mail but failed to send it by courier within the granted time limit, invoking force majeure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The appeal was declared inadmissible by the CAS Division President. In the subsequent motion to set aside the CAS award, the SFT rejected the force majeure argument, considering that the Appellant was able to reply to a CAS submission by post one day after its receipt, and that there was also the possibility to file the submissions by electronic filing. The SFT dismissed the appeal recalling the very limited scope of review in case of non-compliance with the form requirements and applicable time limits. See also the judgment 4A_416/2020.

Note: the full Judgment is available in French at the website of the Swiss Federal Tribunal The English translations of important international arbitration decisions rendered by the Swiss Federal Tribunal (from French, German and Italian) are available on the website , operated jointly by Dr. Despina Mavromati and Dr. Charles Poncet as a service to the international arbitration community.